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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 63, Issue 3, pp. 745-1103

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Averaging of Dispersion-Managed Solitons: Existence and Stability

Dmitry E. Pelinovsky and Vadim Zharnitsky

pp. 745-776

Uniform Asymptotic Expansion of the Square-Root Helmholtz Operator and the One-Way Wave Propagator

A. K. Gautesen and Maarten V. de Hoop

pp. 777-800

Analytical and Numerical Investigation of the Resolvent for Plane Couette Flow

Gunilla Kreiss and Mattias Liefvendahl

pp. 801-817

Congestion on Multilane Highways

A. Klar, J. M. Greenberg, and M. Rascle

pp. 818-833

Acoustic Propagation in Dispersions and the Geometric Theory of Diffraction

B. D. Sleeman, M. J. Holmes, M. J. W. Povey, and O. G. Harlen

pp. 834-849

Connecting a Discrete Ionic Simulation to a Continuum

B. Nadler, T. Naeh, and Z. Schuss

pp. 850-873

Decay of KdV Solitons

Hiêú D. Nguyêñ

pp. 874-888

The Bifurcation Structure of the Holling--Tanner Model for Predator-Prey Interactions Using Two-Timing

Peter A. Braza

pp. 889-904

A Terrain-Following Boussinesq System

André Nachbin

pp. 905-922

On the Convexity and Risk-Sensitivity of the Price of American Interest Rate Derivatives

Luis H. R. Alvarez

pp. 923-936

The Coupling of Motion and Conductive Heating of a Gas by Localized Energy Sources

Amable Linan, Antonio L. Sánchez, and Jose L. Jimenez-Alvarez

pp. 937-961

Generalized Taylor--Aris Dispersion in Spatially Periodic Microfluidic Networks. Chemical Reactions

H. Brenner and K. D. Dorfman

pp. 962-986

Realizable (Average Stress, Average Strain) Pairs in a Plate with Holes

A. B. Movchan, G. W. Milton, and S. K. Serkov

pp. 987-1028

Double Hopf Bifurcations in the Differentially Heated Rotating Annulus

Gregory M. Lewis and Wayne Nagata

pp. 1029-1055

Depinning Transitions in Discrete Reaction-Diffusion Equations

A. Carpio and L. L. Bonilla

pp. 1056-1082

An Asymptotic Model of Nonadiabatic Catalytic Flames in Stagnation-Point Flow

Stephen B. Margolis and Timothy J. Gardner

pp. 1083-1103